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- Some features of MPEGPlayer
- ==========================
- MPEGPlayer is a MPEG,VCD and Movie Player. This release can play MPG,VCD,or
- other movie files (such as MPG,DAT,AVI,MOV). Very friendly and
- menu-driven with full featured control with movie file. It can extract MPG,
- frame from VCD or MPG file, cutting your favourite part or whole MPG file
- (or track) to disk when playing (now can extract system stream,or video,
- audio stream only).
- Some features of MPEGPlayer:
- . Support mostly movie format playing (MPG,DAT,AVI,MOV,M1v,MPV).
- . Many options to fully control the playing operation.
- . Cut mpg clips to disk, and save them as mpg (video&audio),m1v
- (video only),or mp3 (audio only) files. supported streams include:
- mpg system stream, video only stream and audio only stream.
- . You can cut some clips, and then join them into on file.
- . You can capture frames to disk when you are playing. you can merge 4
- frames into I picture by check Merge option.
- . Fully control the playback quality and performance.
- . You can resize the display window size to avoid some rubbish on your
- screen edge.
- Requirements to run MPEGPlayer
- =============================
- MPEGPlayer need run under WIN 9x. For best results we recommend adjusting
- your display settings to use a minimum of 16 bit colour (24 bit TrueColor is
- recommended). Using 8-bit color can cause unusual flickering/flashing color
- effects. Maybe you need to install some other device driver so that you can
- play AVI(need Video for windows), MOV(need QuickTime for windows), ::: etc.
- How can I register?
- ===================
- The registration fee for MPEGPlayer is $20 US, or in any stable currency
- you want (for example, we also accept:French Franc $120, UK $12, Deutsche
- Mark $40, Australian Dollar $30,Canadian Dollar $30, Danish Krone $140,
- Dutch Guilder $40, Finish Mark $100, HK Dollar $180, Irish Pound $20,
- Singapore Dollar $40, Swedish Krona $150, Swiss Frank $30, Japanese Yen
- $2000, Korean Won $15000, Portugese Escudos $3000, Norwegian Krone $150,
- etc.)
- 1) For money or cash, check orders: Print out and complete the supplied
- order form, send order form with your user ID and registration fee
- (check in US dollar only, cash, or money) enclosed in envelope to
- the author's snail mail address, then you will receive registration
- code by email.
- 2) For online,email or fax orders via credit card: If you like to register
- via credit card using email or fax, you can press Order button on
- registration dialogue to order your copy, also you can use our
- online registration system on Kagi:
- http://order.kagi.com/?4ZY
- If you don't have access to http://www.kagi.com web site but are
- interested in learning more about Kagi payment processing services,
- you can send any email to FAQ@kagi.com and you will automatically
- receive a complete set of the Kagi Frequently Asked Questions.
- Please enclose an additional $5 US if you wish to receive a 3.5 inch floppy
- disk(or $10 for CDR disc) sent to you, Otherwise you will receive registration code via email.
- Money or check order form
- =========================
- ----cut-------cut------cut---------cut--------
- Name:__________________________
- Street:________________________
- City:__________________________
- State/Province:________________
- Country:_______________________
- Zip/PC:________________________
- Email:_________________________
- user ID: 32-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
- ----cut-------cut------cut---------cut--------
- Notice: please copy user ID from the register dialogue.
- For question or problem, please contact author:
- Web:
- http://mpegplayer.yeah.net
- ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/win3/mmedia/mpegp140.zip
- ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/win95/mmedia/mpegp333.zip
- ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/win95/mmedia/vcd333.zip
- Email:
- jiao.sw@public1.ptt.js.cn
- Tel:
- +86-25-4317409
- Author's mail:
- Jiao Shanwu
- Nanjing Univ. of Sci. & Tech.
- P.O.Box 210014, Nanjing City
- Room 203, Building 537
- P.R.China
- MPEGPlayer, (C) Jiao System, Ltd.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Chinese GB code here:
- ╣╪╙┌MPEGPlayer
- MPEGPlayer ╧╡╨┬┐ε╣▓╧φ╚φ╝■,╚τ╣√─·╛⌡╡├║├╙├,╜¿╥Θ─·
- ╔╘╬ó╞╞╖╤,╫ó▓ß╬¬╒²░µ.
- MPEGPlayer ╧╡MPEG,VCD╡√▓Ñ╖┼╞≈,╕├▓Ñ╖┼╞≈┐╔╥╘▓Ñ╖┼
- MPEG,VCD╡√,╗≥╞Σ╦ⁿ╩╙╞╡╬─╡╡(╚τ:MPG,DAT,AVI,MOV).
- ╙╤║├╜τ├µ╔Φ╝╞,╟┐┤≤┐╪╓╞╣ª─▄,▓Ñ╖┼╦┘╢╚╥╗┴≈. ▓Ñ╖┼╩▒,
- ┐╔╥╘┤╙VCD╡√╗≥MPEG╬─╡╡╫Ñ╚í▓┐╖╓╗≥╚½▓┐╡√╣∞,╥╘mpg,
- m1v,mp3╕±╩╜┤µ┤ó.
- MPEGPlayer╓≈╥¬╠╪╔½:
- 1. ╓º│╓╢α╓╓╧╘╩╛╝╙╦┘╝╝╩⌡,░ⁿ└¿DCI,DirectDraw.
- 2. ╓º│╓11KHz,22KHz,44KHz╔∙╥⌠▓╔╤∙╞╡┬╩.
- 3. ┐╔╥╘╚╬╥Γ╔Φ╓├╧╘╩╛┤░┐┌╬╗╓├║═┤≤╨í.
- 4. ╓º│╓┐¿└¡OK║═╦½╙∩└÷╥⌠╙░╡√.
- 5. ╓º│╓MMX╨═CPU╜Γ┬δ╝╙╦┘.
- 6. ╓º│╓╛▓╠¼═╝╞¼╫Ñ┼─║═╘┌╔Φ╓├╟°╝Σ─┌╡─╢»╠¼╫Ñ┼─,
- ╥╘BMP(24╬╗),JPG╕±╩╜┤µ┤ó.▓ó┐╔╜½╨í═╝╞¼╞┤╫░
- ╬¬┤≤═╝╞¼(4║╧1).
- 7. ┐╔╥╘╘┌VCD▓Ñ╖┼╩▒╫Ñ┼─╥╗╕÷╗≥╢α╕÷MPEG╞¼╢╧,╥╘MPG,
- M1V,MP3╕±╩╜┤µ┤ó.
- 8. ╚½╨┬32╬╗╜τ├µ,├└╣█╞»┴┴,┴ε╚╦░«▓╗╩═╩╓.
- ╘⌡╤∙╫ó▓ßMPEGPlyer?
- MPEGPlayer ╓╨╬─░µ▒╛╫ó▓ß╖╤╩╟╚╦├±▒╥50╘¬.╜½╠ε║├╡─
- ╫ó▓ß▒φ╝░╫ó▓ß╖╤╥╗▓ó╝─═∙╫≈╒▀,─·╜½╩╒╡╜╫ó▓ß┬δ.╚τ╣√
- ─·╧ú═√╩╒╡╜3.5┤τ╫ó▓ß╚φ┼╠,╟δ╕╢10╘¬╙╩╖╤,╖±╘≥,─·╜½
- ═¿╣²Email╩╒╡╜╫ó▓ß┬δ.
- ╫ó▓ßMPEGPlyer╙╨║╬║├┤ª?
- 1. ╫ó▓ß┬δ╗ß│²╚Ñ╦∙╙╨Shareware Reminder╠ß╩╛╨┼╧ó.
- 2. ╜Γ│²╫Ñ┬╝MPG╡─╩▒╝Σ╧▐╓╞.
- 3. ╩╒╡╜╕ⁿ╨┬╧√╧ó.
- ╚τ╙╨╬╩╠Γ,┐╔╙δ╫≈╒▀┴¬┬τ:
- Email:
- jiao.sw@public1.ptt.js.cn
- Tel:
- 025-4317409
- Mail:
- ─╧╛⌐└φ╣ñ┤≤╤º537-203╩╥
- ╙╩▒α210014
- ╜╣╔╞╬Σ
- MPEGPlayer, ╝¬░┬╧╡═│╙╨╧▐╣½╦╛ 1997-1998 (C)